What we do

Our focus

New Ways currently works in four African countries – Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi and South Sudan.  In addition, we are also providing support to projects in Ecuador and the Philippines.  The generic focus of all our projects is to provide the basic needs of the community in order that it can grow.
These projects help to provide the basic needs of life – clean water, a decent level of nutrition, basic healthcare, sustainable agriculture — and other aspects of empowerment by providing the local people with the means to earn a living.  We also believe that education is vital to the development of the community, and support student sponsorship programmes in Kenya and Ethiopia.  Typically, we support low to medium skill projects that have long term benefits.  For more information, please email us at: info@newways.org.uk
In addition to the four main areas of focus for the development work we support – water, infrastructure, nutrition and education — empowerment projects include agriculture and fishing.  These recurring themes can be seen in the projects we continue to support as we have over many years.

Benga Parish, Malawi

The project includes:

320 students at our primary school
200 pit latrines built at 20 schools serving 12,000 students
20,000 children reached by our food program
92 boreholes drilled supplying water to 6,500 families and 10,000 students

Watch the video to see more of this project.

We fund the running costs and maintenance of 26 nutritional rehabilitation centres for children aged 2 – 5 years old. The focus of these centres is to provide each child with nutrition, clean water and an opportunity for them to learn basic skills. More recently we have embarked on an agricultural programme to ensure every NRC will eventually be able to grow some food for its own use. 

Access to health services is severely limited in the region of Kenya where New Ways projects are located. The work we support there includes a mobile clinic and a primary health care programme that ensures even the remotest communities are able to benefit from health care and medical services including seminars and training that help reduce the incidence of disease.

Education is recognised in the developed world as the single most influential factor that benefits the economic and social wellbeing of a country and its people.  So too in the two countries where we are running programmes at the moment: Ethiopia and Turkana in Northern Kenya.  We believe access to education at all levels is key to the empowerment and eventual independence of the communities we support.

The provision of water is essential to the survival of all people.  A key aspect of the work we do, predominately in Turkana, is to fund the Gillingham bore holes, construction of rock and earth pan dams, as well as other infrastructure that brings benefits to many communities among the Nomadic and semi-Nomadic people there.  We are also developing water projects in Ethiopia and Malawi.

Lake Turkana is the largest desert lake in the world covering 6,750 square kilometres, approximately four times the size of London. It supports a rich wildlife and almost 50 species of fish. Around the north western shores of the Lake in Turkana, fishing is a valuable source of food and livelihood. The Fishing Programme we support helps to build and repair boats and provide training in boat maintenance and business skills.

The nomadic and semi-nomadic people of Turkana in North West Kenya are mainly pastoralists wandering the vast inhospitable plains in search of food and water for their communities and livestock. This makes them particularly vulnerable to drought and famine. Over the past four years we have been supporting the introduction of small scale farming to these communities that will in time help provide an additional and sustainable source of food and economic independence while helping to reduce the impact of drought and reliance on aid.

To ensure that real empowerment of the people in Turkana is sustainable it is vital to provide training and skills for the leaders of these communities. Our community leadership funding helps to support regular skills seminars across the region and the establishment of infrastructure to support the communities in the long term management of their projects.

We are also engaged in supporting infrastructure projects in Ecuador and South West Ethiopia.  These are to provide much needed services to the local communities.

Example projects


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