In previous editions we have frequently reported on the impact of nursery and primary schools, and education at all levels remains central to the drive to improve the lot of the people in the areas in which we operate. Education at any level expands opportunity, increases resilience, and benefits not only the individual but the wider community. For girls, education is a route to wider roles in society – another benefit not just for the women they will become but also for the community as a whole.
Secondary education covers fewer children, but the contribution of those students is significant as they develop skills which can benefit the wider community, and in some cases they come back as teachers to develop new generations of leaders, engineers, teachers, agriculturists and more.
An example of the work done in the secondary sector is a project which involves sponsoring the vulnerable and bright young boys and girls from the Turkana region with emphasis on those from Turkana North, specifically the Lobur-Kacheriongor and Todonyang areas. For nearly 20 years, this project has continually selected participants based on their primary school results, as well as their readiness to participate in community activities beyond the school term. During the holidays, the students are accompanied, whether in the mission or at home, and they receive interaction with the project coordinator, allowing for a one-on-one dialogue focused on assisting and encouraging the students in their endeavours.
Those students who get strong enough exam results can go on to university education, indeed about half of them have qualified in recent years. Those who do not qualify for university are able to proceed to a technical course.
With the speed of developmental and technological change in recent years, areas like Turkana need to prepare qualified people to be able to manage a sustainable future for their communities. Education has been seen as the most viable way to address the challenges of poverty, health issues, ignorance, cultural bias, lack of tolerance and conflict, among others. It’s only through education that the doors of opportunity will be opened for young women and men, giving them the tools for social and economic development. That is the aim of this and other secondary projects that we are supporting.