Dingimo, Sudan
The core objective of the project was to provide people in Dingimo with reliable access to clean drinking water which was not the case before the project. It was planned to fit a borehole with a submersible solar pump ensuring the supply of water which would be pumped up to elevated water tanks allowing storage of water and the supply of water to various taps within the village (including the primary school and clinic). This would provide a regular sustainable supply of water for drinking and agricultural use which would improve health and reduce disease, increase crop production and improve nutrition, and increase attendance at school.
There were several boreholes installed in the village. However, as the water level is very low, hand pumps kept on breaking down, leaving the people without drinking water. The solution was to connect a solar submersible pump into a borehole to pump water to an elevated water tanks and from there directing the water to several water points in the village where people could easily collect water.

Construction of the borehole and project implementation
The first step of the implementation was pump testing. The second step was to order all the materials in Uganda as transportation takes time. The third step was then all the work in the village to implement the project.
In order to deliver this project, a borehole that had a high enough yield of water was required and at the time there were 3 broken hand pumps in the village. Pump testing was carried out on a first borehole but the actual yield did not reach 1,000 litre an hour. Pump testing was carried out on a second borehole and the yield was only 600 litre an hour. Both boreholes had insufficient yield for a submersible pump. However, when pump testing was carried out on a third borehole this showed a great result of 3,500 litres an hour. This ensured that it was possible to deliver the planned project.
A water tower was constructed and elevated water tanks set up. A submersible solar pump was then inserted into the borehole. It is 80 metres deep because it is a submersible pump.
The solar panels were fixed on top of the water tank protecting them from damage. An additional spare water pump with its accessories was purchased as outlined in the budget. This is essential as if the pump breaks down it can take months until a new pump can be sent from Uganda. Having a spare pump is therefore a critical requirement for the project is to be sustainable.
Water lines were then dug out and the first water line was directed into the market with a water point at that site. A second went into the local health facility (primary healthcare unit), and a third went to the primary school. A further two water points were then added in the village. In total five water points have been constructed and as can be seen from the pictures below each water point has multiple taps.
Insecurity meant that it was very hard to get a drilling company on site to undertake the pump testing. The area surrounding Dingimo has not been directly affected by war and insecurity but insecurity in nearby Tombura meant that companies that operate from there were no longer available. Pump testing was a requirement for this project and only once pump testing was completed was it possible to place an order for the required pump in Uganda. As pump testing was delayed, by the time the pump was ordered the roads had become impassable due to the rain. When the dry season came it was only possible to get the materials from Uganda and begin to implement the project.
After the installation
After the water installation was complete, the local community established a Water Committee as had been planned. The local leader has taken personal responsibility of leading this Water Committee helping to secure the water supply in the future.
The water serves mainly for drinking. However, with the surplus water people will be able to plant vegetables all year long. Five small vegetable gardens, one at each water point will now be planted. The water serves also for making bricks which are essential for the construction of the local houses.
We expect that the installation of water points around Dingimo will ensure that the village flourishes and many other aspects of life for the local people will improve. When clean water is available health and hygiene also improve.