I had the privilege to be in the group that originally founded New Ways back in the 90s. We were extremely lucky to have by our side from the very beginning the magnificent CEO that has been Angela Docherty. Without her dedication and professionalism New Ways would not have achieved so much. Her right hand William Carson has also been very instrumental. Since the establishment of the association we’ve been counting on a very committed and dedicated board, which throughout the years and difficulties have been at the service of New Ways foundational aims. We never dreamt that we would achieve so much.
The Missionary Community of St. Paul has been our field partner since the very beginning. Their commitment to reside on the field where projects are carried out has brought the right insights into the communities’ struggles. It has helped to identify their needs and the necessary actions to overcome their life’s challenges: water, education, health, agriculture have been at the forefront. We have gone a long way.
I must say we are proud of New Ways beneficiaries in Africa, South America and Asia. They have been a constant source of inspiration to us all. 25 years and £6.5 millions of pounds down the line have given them the support to now be in-charge of their own future. Some of them are now carrying out New Ways’ projects with great success.
My vote of thanks to all of you, our supporters, that throughout these 25 years or at a given point have committed talents and resources to make this celebration possible.
Fernando Aguirre