Thoughts on the impact of this work…
A final thought on the impact of this work, especially in relation to water. Access to water has always been one of the key considerations in the work of New Ways and our partners in sub–Saharan Africa and we have been involved in building dams, drilling wells, using run off, developing furrows in the desert and much more.
An example is the current work in Nakinu. The hand-drawn map below gives a good feel for the area, just north of Lake Turkana. Here, a borehole was drilled, and a proper village grew around it. Farms were set up, 40 families settled, with their animals, and there are plans for a nursery school, a mobile clinic is in operation and a second borehole is also planned. All as a result of the impact of the first borehole, itself made possible by the work of a few people donating or working to get funding. The power of small.