In a story that will resonate with anyone who has had children, we heard from Scholastica about a mother who had twins. Historically, having twins meant a difficult choice – deciding which was the most likely to survive and neglecting the other baby. Not a choice any mother should have to make. In this particular instance, help was sought from the medical team and Scholastica and colleagues travelled to the village where the mother lived. The twins were two tiny boys, weighing only 1.4 and 1.6 kilos. The family was taken back to the centre where the babies were fed, through syringes at first, and the mother was also fed so that she would be able to feed the babies herself when they were ready.
Two years later the babies are beautiful, healthy boys and the mother is doing well. That terrible choice has been averted, the community’s growing trust in the medical and nutritional centres has been vindicated and the foundations for more work in this area made more secure. And two little boys have their chance to thrive and grow. All thanks to the New Ways supporters, including the readers of this newsletter. A timely reminder to keep on supporting.